AccurA Training Day

Our practical training day is aimed at those who want to use the very best equipment with their clients but they also want value for money. What better than being shown how to use it, apply it, configure it and explain it to the all important end user.

We have all sat through boring sales presentations whereby you feel that the presenter is auditioning for X Factor (and sometimes failing badly!).

We want to give you something better because we think you are better and we can all improve. Sometimes the industry gets a little over technical and tries to blind people with science, this only works for roughly 5-10% of the industry. Most engineers glaze over and look for the nearest pillow or pub.

AccurA Security Products have always tried to make life easier and whilst we may well understand the technical requirements needed we feel that it is better to explain things in straightforward language that’s relevant to the installer and client.

If we achieve anything from this exercise it’s that everyone attending will have a clearer understanding of the relevant security products and will be able to apply what they have learned in the real world.

Talk to us, let us help you, we are human after all and we will listen to your queries and your concerns and we will turn them into your strengths.

All too often our clients and end users are not getting the best security systems available for their money, who is to blame?

We all are!


Sometimes we are a little like the secret service, we do great work and then don’t tell anyone. Sometimes that’s the nature of our business, we need to protect our clients at all costs including keeping their information private, however we need to grow our business or else we won’t have one in order to look after these clients.

How do we change?

For a start we must be absolute experts in our respective fields, we need to know our subject so well that we can explain, demonstrate and make the client feel confident in the use of our products and services.

We must be like a jazz musician, someone that knows their instrument so well that they can deviate when required and return to the subject in hand with ease and confidence, we don’t need a script, it’s in our blood.

We need to ensure that our clients can afford quality security solutions, AccurA Security Products have partnered with the leading financial institutions in order to make your security affordable and something that can be financed over time if that’s what you want.

How do we do this?

AccurA Security Products will help you, that’s what we do after all. We will show you how to get the very best from your security systems.

We will make your security affordable, easy to understand and something that you can live with in order to enrich your life, not get in the way of it.

Security should not be a scary word, as it suggests it should make you feel secure and safe in your home and business.

What’s different about our approach?

Maybe we are idealists, but we believe that we can work with the best installers out there and make them even better. We believe that together we can give our precious clients something fantastic. We want our clients and installers to push us harder and demand the very best.

We are constantly looking at new technology and ways to make installation easier, quicker and less of a headache for our clients. We are looking at ways to make the information you need readily accessible when you need it.

We want to provide installation work to the industry, it’s a two way street and we believe that we have a responsibility to provide revenue to those who deal with us and trust us.

Online is where we live these days and all images and information must be available in the palm of your hand, we can do that!

We should not be box movers, we need to offer solutions, listen to our client’s concerns and give them the answers. Having listened we can also think ahead and offer suggestions.

It’s our job to think all the bad thoughts about what can happen, what the risks are and we need to make sure that the client no longer has those concerns, it’s taken care of.

It’s not just joining wires, it’s intelligent security at its best. It’s the personal approach by people that really care and get personal fulfillment from doing a great job and keeping people safe in the process.

Talk to us, tell us what you need and we will help you.

John Kinsella

AccurA Security Products

Contact Details For The Event:

Where: At GSD Ltd., Unit 3 Broomhill Business Complex, Broomhill Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24

When: Thursday 1st of October 2015

Contact us:

P: 01 4431630

P: 087 2484088


Reserve your place online 

Practical Training Agenda:

10.00: Coffee & Welcome

10.15: GSD, Installing & Configuring the GSD i70 Alarm And App

11.15: GSD, Meet The Team

11.20: GSD, Practical Access Control

11.45: MCM, Revenue Earning Monitoring Case Studies

12.15: Nulli-Fire, Fire System Types & Specifications

12.30: Lunch

13.00: AccurA, IP And Analogue In Harmony, Setting Up A CCTV System & Getting It Online

14.00: Web Way One, Dual Path Signalling & Applications

15.00: Questions & Coffee

16.00: Close

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